Happy Halloween!
Diana LOVES Corpse Bride the movie. In fact she is partial to Tim Burton movies (the kid ones of course) it started when we allowed her to watch Edward Scissor Hands with her big sister. I was not surprised when Diana asked if she could be the corpse bride for Halloween.
Nana Nancy found a bride costume at Outgrown, which is a consignment store in San Rafael. I grew up wearing clothes from this store so I was delighted. Nana Nancy mailed to us right away.
I ripped the bottom part of the dress and bought a black rose. I did Diana's make up and sprayed a little white paint on her jet black hair. Diana did not want to look at herself she wanted to look scary for everyone to see. Except she did not want to be scared! Silly girl.
Gabe was a lumber jack. Phil found a flannel and work pants at the Goodwill and I made him a beenie. Phil made Gabe an ax out of cardboard. He was not happy to have black paint on his face he kept wiping it off, also Gabe refused to carry the ax! So he mostly looked like a hobo which was fine with us. Maybe he will be one next year!
Our friend Ed was driving back from Seattle and stayed with us for a few days. It was great to show Ed around Bend. Ed was a good sport and came out trick or treating with us. We had a good time laughing and watching the reaction from the kids when they would dig into their pillow cases for candy. Gabe would say "Happy Halloween" to the other kids as we walked down the street. It was very sweet.
Once we got home we inspected the candy (mom's job) then the kids can choose 10 pieces. I am sure once they are older we will have to throw some cash at them. Until then Phil and I are enjoying these kid moments...and a few snickers as well!
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