Let's see where are we now...
Marissa will be finishing up her Freshman year (that's right) at the Marin School of Arts and Technology. Her passion is photography and since we are prejudice we think she is very talented. We miss her terribly but luckily she has been up to visit us twice since we have moved to Oregon. Also,Marissa has started her first job and Phil and I are so proud of her. Marissa has grown to be a very self sufficient lovely young lady.
Diana will be finishing Kindergarten next week. I have signed her up for swim lessons and drama classes, I hope to have found an outlet for all that energy! Diana will continue with her Daisy troop and is very excited about her first Girl Scout Camp out.
Gabriel will be 3 years old this July. Hard to imagine our baby is now a ruff and tuff little boy. Gabe's favorite activity is digging holes in the yard and terrorizing huge ants that live in the dirt. He also has an obsession for trains and cars. Gabe is a Daddy's boy and pretty much buys time with his Mom until his Pop comes rolling up the driveway.
Phil has just completed his first month at St.Charles hospital in the technology dept. It feels good to see my husband leave for work with a smile and come home with one too!
I joined a Mothers Group as soon as we moved to Bend which has been incredibly helpful.
I have made a few friends and in turn my husband has made a few friends as well.
Phil and I are both excited about our first summer in Bend. We hope you all will come make a visit to see us soon!
Cute picture! I love it. Miss you.
Hi mija,
I can't believe how big the kids are and how time passes at a blink of an eye. Anyway keep up the good work your kids are beautiful and your right about big sister Marisa, she has grown to be a lovely young lady to say the least.
Love you,
Auntie Martha
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